Tiziana Proietti awarded Junior Faculty Fellowship

Tiziana Proietti, assistant professor of Architecture and Interior Design and director of the Sense|Base Laboratory at OU, is the recipient of a 2023 Junior Faculty Fellowship (JFF) of the University of Oklahoma.

Visual Training for Designers: The cultural dimension

Join Gibbs College on October 3, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. in the Gould Hall Buskuhl Gallery (rm. 130), for a lecture by Dr. Matthew Cohen, AIA, titled, “Visual Training for Designers: The Cultural Dimension.”

This lecture is in collaboration with the seminar titled “Vision Training for Designers,” taught by Dr. Tiziana Proietti at Gibbs College. It is made possible with support from the Bruce Goff Chair for Creative Architecture.

The experience of architectural proportion through a scientific perspective

Tiziana Proietti will hold the talk The Experience of Architectural Proportion Through a Scientific Perspective, focusing on the human perception of architectural proportion at the Generators of Architectural Atmosphere,
8:00 — 12:30, 12 April 2022,
Regnier Hall, APDesign, Kansas State University. An Interfaces event of the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (www.anfarch.org)

Psychophysics of architectural proportion

Tiziana Proietti and Sergei Gepshtein lecture at the Symposium Space, Language & Cognition. Perspective on architecture and urban design, organized by Beatrix Emo and Andri Gerber, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandle Wissenschaften ZHAW, Institute of Urban Landscape, 9 November 2021.

Introduction to Hans van der Laan’s theory and work

Kees den Biense and Tiziana Proietti lecture on the theory and work of Architect Hans van der Laan “Introduzione al pensiero rifondativo del benedettino Hans van der Laan (1904-1991)” at the Fondazione Card. Giovanni Lercaro on 4th May 2021.

sense|base Laboratory presentation

Tiziana Proietti and Sergei Gepshtein present the Sense|Base Laboratory research activity and their psychophysical experiments about perception of architectural proportion. Hoghschule fur Technik – HFT + Corporeal Architecture Youtube Channel + ACE ANFA Center for Education.

Uncommon Senses III: Back to the future of the Senses

Tiziana Proietti and Satyendra Pakhalé participate at the International Conference Uncommon Senses III: Back to the future of the Senses, Concordia University and give a talk titled “Aggregates as uncommon senses. Back to early discoveries.”

Neuroscience and Architecture course

Tiziana Proietti teaches Architecture and Neuroscience course at the C. Gibbs College of Architecture, University of Oklahoma, Fall 2021. Enroll now!

Lecture for IDEC 2021

Satyendra Pakhalé , Principal, Satyendra Pakhalé Associates, and
Tiziana Proietti, PhD, Professor, University of Oklahoma, lecture on Social Cohesion as Planetary Norm at the IDEC 2021 Annual Conference, 4th March 2021.

Proceedings Ambiances 2020

The Atmosphere of Objects | Satyendra Pakhalé and Tiziana Proietti | conference proceedings | 4th International Congress on Ambiances, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA (UCSB)-2020/2021.
