Tiziana Proietti, assistant professor of Architecture and Interior Design and director of the Sense|Base Laboratory at OU, is the recipient of a 2023 Junior Faculty Fellowship (JFF). Awarded by the Research Council of the Vice President for Research and Partnerships office at the University of Oklahoma, the program is designed to support tenure-track faculty establish their research and creative activity.
Proietti’s fellowship supports the development and completion of her in-progress monograph and textbook Hans van der Laan’s Instruments of Thought: Architectural Theory, Proportion and Analogy. The book, a result of decades-long study, focuses on the role of architectural proportion in contemporary architectural practices inspired by the work of Dutch architect and Benedictine monk Hans van der Laan (1904-1991).
Co-authored with Dr. Kees den Biesen and under contract with Routledge, the book includes a series of 100 illustrations of tools and exercises based on original drawings by Proietti. An expanded version of the exercises is presented in Analogia, an interactive, companion website created in partnership with OU Digital Learning Offices and Bizzell Library Emerging Technologies Office.
Tiziana Proietti awarded Junior Faculty Fellowship
University of Oklahoma