Locating Architectural Atmosphere

Tiziana Proietti & Sergei Gepshtein

in Generators of Architectural Atmospheres, edited by Elisabetta Canepa, New Prairie Press, Kansas State University Libraries, 2023.

Architectural atmospheres are often described in spatial terms, but the nature of their spatial organization remains elusive. Here we consider how spatial characteristics of architectural atmosphere can be investigated from a new perspective emerging in the interface between architectural design and empirical science.

We observe that qualities of architectural atmospheres must vary across location, and their perception is necessarily divided to spatial regions because different sensory information is available in different regions of the environment.

We consider how boundaries of these regions and their sensory content can be identified using principles of geometrical optics, physiological optics, perceptual organization, and orienting behavior.

Architectural atmospheres are often described in spatial terms, but the nature of their spatial organization remains elusive. Here we consider how spatial characteristics of architectural atmosphere can be investigated from a new perspective emerging in the interface between architectural design and empirical science.

We observe that qualities of architectural atmospheres must vary across location, and their perception is necessarily divided to spatial regions because different sensory information is available in different regions of the environment.

We consider how boundaries of these regions and their sensory content can be identified using principles of geometrical optics, physiological optics, perceptual organization, and orienting behavior.

Locating Architectural Atmosphere

Tiziana Proietti & Sergei Gepshtein

in Generators of Architectural Atmospheres, edited by Elisabetta Canepa, New Prairie Press, Kansas State University Libraries, 2023.
